Import Permit Application Form
* indicate mandatory fields

I. Application should be submitted minimum 24 hours prior to the actual import of the minerals / movement of the vehicle.
II. Original photo id of the importer has to be uploaded. If wrong document is uploaded the permit application is liable for REJECTION.

Sr. No Date & Time Of Arrival At Checkpost Truck Number No Of Tyres Quantity (M3) Driver Name Driver Mobile

  I undertake that I will use this permit for importing minor minerals in the state of Goa only after obtaining valid pass/permit issued by authority from the concerned state and that I shall produce the same and other necessary documents for verification by inspecting officers at the checkpost. Above mentioned information is complete and true to the best of my knowledge and I undertake to hold myself responsible if any part or whole thereof is found to be false. I know that to make any false declaration is an offence and liable for penalty and rejection/cancellation of application.